Garden party, Garden tent, easy-up tent, Funrent, Pop up tent, Tents, Tent party, Tent party, Tents for events, Tents for weddings, Tents, Outdoor event, Tents for outdoor events

3 essential mistakes to avoid when renting a tent and equipment

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Learn from experts, not mistakes.

Whether you're hosting a garden party, company summer days, or a wedding. Tent rent is the fastest, easiest and certainly the most convenient solution. There is not always enough space in the house or party place to organize an event. Although lessons are learned from mistakes, it is not always worth going through them and rather asking for advice from experts. Here are some key flaws.

1. Last minute booking

More than 13 years of experience have shown that it is customary for customers to rent a tent at the last minute. It's perfectly okay outside of summer, but in the summer the demand is extremely high, and many may not be able to get the products they want anymore. Therefore, it is not always worth relying on pure luck. Event organizers already know about the experience and what is needed for the event is booked early to avoid later problems.

The notion that there are still tent rental companies is not the right approach either. As there are only 3 months of summer in Estonia, all kinds of summer days and weddings are done in summer. Every year, tent rental becomes more popular, and demand is greater than supply. Often there have been situations when a customer comes to us because no one is able to offer them the desired products.

It is also not worth neglecting the amount of work. Even if the tent is available to the company. With his workload, will he be able to transport and install it at the last minute? Every year we have tried more and more to solve this problem and meet the client at every opportunity.

In addition to the above, the price of the products is rising with demand. By booking early, you also save money. In the middle of the season, some products can go up to exorbitant prices as demand increases.

In most cases, booking is completely free of charge, with the exception of. modular party tents, where a prepayment applies. So it's worth taking the opportunity to book ahead!

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2. Control the business

If the service provider lacks experience in the field of events, it often lacks the necessary knowledge to offer the best solution to the client. The client does not always know how to ask questions and the service provider should be able to ask questions in order to provide an appropriate and quality solution.

Some examples:

  • Specificity of the land surface. Convex ground is not always the best option for tables and chairs. It is uncomfortable for guests and wobbly tables can break some tableware. Again, it depends largely on the type of event. For a stand-up event, this is less of an issue.
  • Attaching the tent. There are different ways of securing the tent - with weights or special tent poles. The anchoring depends on the ground and whether the customer gives permission for drilling. If the tent is not secured, there can be a lot of accidents and damage.
  • Recommendations. Recommendations and more recommendations! The aim is not to make a better sale, but to offer a solution to the customer that creates positive emotions and experiences and invites them to use the service again. Experience is necessary for a service provider to be able to recommend.

Helpful advice! Find out from acquaintances or friends whose services they have used, and then you can draw your own conclusions.

Customer-friendly communication is also extremely important. It all starts with a satisfied and happy client who, after communicating with the client manager, feels better than before and entrusts free rein to the service provider.

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3. Renting a tent and inventory from different companies

You'll probably agree that we're all in a hurry. Efficient use of time and services helps us to stay on course better and be the master of our time .

If you need a complete solution for your event – a tent, furniture, tableware, lighting, etc., then communicating with a different service provider will take a lot of time and transportation will be much more expensive as the products will be brought by different companies.

There are, of course, exceptions where really one service provider can't offer everything and you have to rent some more products. However, this is rather the exception. Operating on the market for more than 13 years, we have expanded our product range in such a way that the client would be able to rent everything necessary for the party from one place.

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